
Showing posts from January, 2019

Cough and Cold Season: The Search for Natural Remedies

This season has seen its share of raging viruses and unbearable infections, attacking even the most impenetrable immunity systems.  Many I know who haven't seen a cold in years felt it this year.  As I navigate my second head cold of the year I am navigating different natural ways to treat my symptoms. One of my favorite food remedies for any kind of sickness is chicken soup, something I cannot live without when I am feeling unwell.  I'll share my favorite recipe later but this is always my starting point.  Hot liquids in general have a wonderful effect on me during upper respiratory battles.  Since I am also a big fan of tea I have discovered a few different ingredients that have always been heavily recommended to me to help with cough, congestion and boosting immunity. Growing up in a hispanic household I was also treated to a host of unusual remedies with the same goal of ridding us of coughs, stomach bugs, lethargy etc.  One of my favorite remedies (that I haven&

I have my eye on... Ceremonial Matcha Tea Sets

I am deeply interested in the Koicha preparation of ceremonial Matcha tea.  Matcha is the stone ground, shade grown tencha green tea leaf, used to prepare Koicha ("thick tea") or Usucha, which I believe many green tea enthusiasts are exposed to with the abundance of bottled Matcha drinks. To experience Koicha matcha is a very different experience, one I believe many do not get exposure to in the US. As a huge green tea fan and an even bigger matcha fan, I am looking to collect elegant sets of ceremonial matcha ceramics and tools. I am looking to practice and get this unique tea consistency down. To me, koicha matcha is divinity in a cup, especially with the right matcha powder .  The delicate nature of the growth of the Japanese tencha leaves gives it a slightly sweet kelp flavor that is distinct, yet some matcha powders, if not properly grown tend to be bitter.  Since it is something I enjoy I want to prepare the full experience for guests, which is what leads me to

The Search for the Best Galette Des Rois

From NYT Cooking Gallette Des Rois Recipe I have an obsession that started about 7 years ago when I was first introduced to French Kings Cake by a French VP for a designer jewelry line I worked for in midtown Manhattan. Our local Le Pain Quotidien created a pretty masterful rendition of the traditional Kings cake.  Simple, flaky and creamy where it mattered. I was thrilled by his surprise morning delivery of such an elegant yet rustic looking dessert. I have since had the pleasure of tasting different variations, most recently from Maison Kayser, which almost hit the level of perfect decadence that Le Pain was able to achieve.  I want to know which is your favorite Kings Cake/Gallette De Rois? I think I am going to attempt my own and I am going to start with this New York Time's recipe , wish me luck and I will check in with my success or failure!

Welcome to the Demitasse Lass!

Welcome Everybody! My name is Lainey, I am a small business owner and mom, trying to get back into writing and pushing myself to grow and discover new things. I created this as a lifestyle and general interest blog to find a new way to meet new people and share all of my obsessions from vintage finds to my latest recipe concoctions, and create a social space to share general interests and new projects! With the desire to be more social, I also created a Facebook Group in support of this blog where we can host live discussions and where I can learn more about you! I hope you will find useful tidbits here and share with me your experience with the broad topics I hope to cover here, (also, show me your vintage!)